The Rebound

Habit is such an important part of the human life; we are all creatures of habit.

Have you ever worked really hard at eliminating a bad habit and fell back on it? or have you ever worked really hard to create a good habit, missed a couple days and felt like you’ve lost your grove?

Trust me. You’re not the only one, this happens to people on a daily basis(take this blog for an example, I had a good 3 week run without a post).

How do we go about getting back on track? After having put all this work into something we mustn’t let it go to waste!

Rebounding completely relies on our mindset: we often focus on not doing the task compared to actually doing it. For example, think about the last time you broke your gym routine. How much time was spent dwelling on how you haven’t gone in a while? Or how many times did you say “I am going to get back into the grove tomorrow”?

I want to take you back to the origin of the task; there was a reason why you started the task in the first place. Say going to the gym to lose a couple pounds? Or writing a blog to spread the concept of self awareness? This is our focal point. Regardless of me missing a couple weeks of blogs I am still passionate about spreading and developing self awareness; that has not changed. If you miss a couple weeks at the gym guess what? I bet that 5 pounds didn’t disappear and you still want to lose it.

I truly love the word responsibility. When you break it down it literally means the ability to control your response. Whether or not the habit is broken the situation has not changed; the task is still incomplete. Whether we spend our time focusing on how we were doing so well or we simply focus on completing the task is our choice.

Let’s choose a response that brings us back to accomplishing our reason why, time is precious don’t spend it focusing on anything but the target.

No matter how many times a golfer has hit the ball into the water he is still always focused on the pin.

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