Why you would be better off as a servant

Okay, so now that my post’s title got your attention I want to get to a very serious topic. As a writer my mission is to get you to read my work. That’s where marketing comes in, hence a title that ‘punches you in the face’. Now that you’re here I will get on with my topic!

Servitude to others is so often overlooked and the importance of it is rarely taught. For those that think this will be some sappy topic; servitude directly impacts business and earning potential.

When I say servitude and serving others I am talking about adding value to others. Doing things that add value to others without any sort of accolade.

Jim Rohn has a great quote

You get paid for bringing value to the marketplace, and if you’re not very valuable you don’t make much money

Think if you brought lots of value? You would make lots of money.

Now I am not talking about bringing the boss coffee every morning and serving him in that sense. When I mean value adding you need to find out what natural hurdles individuals have. Find out where they’re stuck or need assistance and use your strengths to come up with a way to overcome the challenge.

I think professional sports is a great analogy for this. Let’s use a hockey team for example: there are players out there that are very very good at grinding pucks out of the corners and there are players that are very good at putting that puck into the back of the net. The player that gets the puck out of the corner drastically adds value to the player that can score when he puts the puck on his stick.

Okay, so I know I mentioned accolades earlier and usually when the pass is made the player gets an assist; therefore recognized. However, even better example, let’s look at the equipment trainers. When an equipment trainer can take a dull skate, get it sharpened, and back on the players foot without missing a shift… that is huge added value.

These trainers serve the players. The better they are at serving the players the more sought out they are. Simple math, when your more sought out you are paid more!

What you put out to the world will come back to you. If you set out to serve others and add value to them, you will then in turn have people add value to your life. Professional sports make such great analogies because majority knows about them. A great team is never comprised of one or two good players. It is always made up of a variety of skill sets that compliment and add value to each other.

This is the way the large organizations run, the way countries are run, and if we get in the habit of adding value to others and acting out of servitude we will all reap the rewards.

Add value to others and people will add value to your life. Together we will all achieve greater success.

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The power of the…

There is a very powerful tool that is so often missed in business and networking, a tool that with 5 minutes of effort will drastically increase productivity: The Follow-up

Following up is so simple and critical yet it is so often forgotten about. Is it because in sales we feel a sense of defeat when we didn’t close on the first meeting? Or is it because we feel desperate calling back trying to get a sale?

How about when we meet someone new or connect with an old friend. How come we don’t send a follow up call/message/email the next day? Let them know we enjoyed talking and would like to talk again?

In life we are constantly selling. We were born to sell and are actively selling everyday of our lives. We sell ourselves to others, we sell our ideas or our opinions. We even sell for other people and other companies. Ever recommended a restaurant or a movie?

The purpose of the follow up is to turn an initial connection into a win/win relationship. Imagine you sell hard wood floors and you meet someone at a friends party, lets call him John, and talk to him for a while. Say you don’t follow up and 4 months down the road John decides to re-do his house with hardwood. We meet so many people in our day to day activities that chances are John doesn’t remember you sell hardwood. What if you followed up? set the grounds to talk again? develop a relationship? You got a sale.

In life and in sales we are never selling a product, we sell our relationship. There is 50 other people that are selling the same product/service that you are, but the only difference between the others and yourself is the relationship you developed.

How to follow-up? It is actually quite simple and can be done by sending an email/text or making a brief phone call. Here are 3 criteria that I like to incorporate:

1) Acknowledge the meeting or connection you made.

2) Mention a personal takeaway from the connection.

3) Set an intention for future conversation.

Here is a quick example to show the simplicity.

Hey John! It was great talking to you the other night at Jane’s place. It was great hearing about your new job; You seem really excited! I look forward to talking to you again!

Follow-ups are simple and they’re quick and need to become a habit.

I challenge you to follow-up with someone you meet in the next couple days and see what happens!

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Whats your investment strategy?

Here is a common topic, almost everyone invests on some level. Whether it be investing in retirement savings plans, simple bank investments, large scale business take overs, or the stock market. There is one sort of investment however that doesn’t seem to get the attention that it deserves; investing in yourself.

I recently just got back from a three day intensive training all about creating a mission and vision for my life. Courses and seminars such as these, in my mind, are one of the greatest investments you can make in your lifetime! I hear all the time statements such as “my return on investment this year is 50%” or “the ROI on the property I just flipped was 15%”. Quick question: What is the ROI, or return on investment, on something that will positively change every aspect of your day to day life?

Can you put that into percentages?

Now for some people investing in yourself may seem like a strange concept, but its not anything you’re unfamiliar with. Investing in ourselves can be broken down into two subsections and one we are all very familiar with, the physical.  Things such as going to the gym, or eating healthy are both good investments. Stepping it up, things such as a personal trainer or an appointment with a nutritionist are great investments. This is the same concept as seeing an investment specialist to handle your finances. Paying for expert service to take you to the next level.

The other subsection however, in my opinion, is far more important then the physical; investing in your mind. I consider personal growth to be vitally important, yet it is SO extremely undervalued. I don’t understand why it’s not promoted more frequently. Everything we do in life stems from a decision that we make in our mind, yet we don’t invest in the one thing that creates everything we have in our life.

OK, so for the newbies reading this, a 3 day intensive seminar in a different country may seem a bit extreme, but quite honestly this is so far from the truth. It is nearly impossible to put the power and impact an event like this has into words. There are however many other ways to invest in your mind. For starters pick up a good book! There are so many of them out there that you can get for a reasonable price on Chapters or Amazon, heck even go to the library and get them for free!

Hey, this all sounds great, but readings just not my thing. Not the first time I’ve heard this.

You drive? You ride the bus? There is so much great material in audio form and commuting is the perfect time to feed your brain! Think about how much time you shut your brain off while commuting? Take 20 minutes a day and invest in yourself.

My intention here is to get you aware of some of the ways you can invest in your mind and start making positive changes to get what you want out of life. The amount of material readily available is endless, yet so few utilize it.

Do you have a plan for personal growth?

If you’re not growing you’re dying, thankfully it is not too late to create a plan. Start off small, grab a book or grab an audio disc on personal growth and go from there.

Don’t get overwhelmed with all that is available just start small and get the wheels rolling. You will be amazed what results will come your way if you’re open to grow.

Set an intention to invest in yourself and furthermore set the intention to grow.