Whats your investment strategy?

Here is a common topic, almost everyone invests on some level. Whether it be investing in retirement savings plans, simple bank investments, large scale business take overs, or the stock market. There is one sort of investment however that doesn’t seem to get the attention that it deserves; investing in yourself.

I recently just got back from a three day intensive training all about creating a mission and vision for my life. Courses and seminars such as these, in my mind, are one of the greatest investments you can make in your lifetime! I hear all the time statements such as “my return on investment this year is 50%” or “the ROI on the property I just flipped was 15%”. Quick question: What is the ROI, or return on investment, on something that will positively change every aspect of your day to day life?

Can you put that into percentages?

Now for some people investing in yourself may seem like a strange concept, but its not anything you’re unfamiliar with. Investing in ourselves can be broken down into two subsections and one we are all very familiar with, the physical.  Things such as going to the gym, or eating healthy are both good investments. Stepping it up, things such as a personal trainer or an appointment with a nutritionist are great investments. This is the same concept as seeing an investment specialist to handle your finances. Paying for expert service to take you to the next level.

The other subsection however, in my opinion, is far more important then the physical; investing in your mind. I consider personal growth to be vitally important, yet it is SO extremely undervalued. I don’t understand why it’s not promoted more frequently. Everything we do in life stems from a decision that we make in our mind, yet we don’t invest in the one thing that creates everything we have in our life.

OK, so for the newbies reading this, a 3 day intensive seminar in a different country may seem a bit extreme, but quite honestly this is so far from the truth. It is nearly impossible to put the power and impact an event like this has into words. There are however many other ways to invest in your mind. For starters pick up a good book! There are so many of them out there that you can get for a reasonable price on Chapters or Amazon, heck even go to the library and get them for free!

Hey, this all sounds great, but readings just not my thing. Not the first time I’ve heard this.

You drive? You ride the bus? There is so much great material in audio form and commuting is the perfect time to feed your brain! Think about how much time you shut your brain off while commuting? Take 20 minutes a day and invest in yourself.

My intention here is to get you aware of some of the ways you can invest in your mind and start making positive changes to get what you want out of life. The amount of material readily available is endless, yet so few utilize it.

Do you have a plan for personal growth?

If you’re not growing you’re dying, thankfully it is not too late to create a plan. Start off small, grab a book or grab an audio disc on personal growth and go from there.

Don’t get overwhelmed with all that is available just start small and get the wheels rolling. You will be amazed what results will come your way if you’re open to grow.

Set an intention to invest in yourself and furthermore set the intention to grow.